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Add user authentication and Okta Resource Management to your PHP app

Info: This topic was archived on February 9 2024 and is no longer updated. PHP is no longer a supported language at Okta.

Get started with PHP + Okta

These resources walk you through adding user authentication to your PHP app in minutes.

Integrate with Okta using the Okta-hosted Sign-In Widget

These SDKs help you integrate with Okta by redirecting to the Okta Sign-In Widget using OpenID Connect (OIDC) client libraries.

PHP redirect authentication sample app (opens new window): See Okta-hosted login (opens new window) for a redirect configuration.

Okta Classic Engine PHP SDKs

Okta-hosted Sign-In Widget guide:

Sign users in to your web app using the redirect model

Other guides:

Note: Browse our recent PHP Developer Blog posts (opens new window) for further useful topics.